Court Transparenting

Information for Family Law Practitioners about Transparenting

In an effort to provide better services for custody litigants, the civil judges have adopted the Transparenting program. This program will be required in the majority of custody cases, although the individual judges retain discretion to forego the program on a case by case basis. You will soon see language in your HOC Orders requiring your clients to attend.

This class is being taught by The Wellspring, at a cost of $50 per litigant. It is a four hour class, and will be conducted in courtroom #1 on Monday nights. It is very important that your client attend the class before the HOC.

Transparenting is a national program tailored for parents with custody litigation. There are some very good statistics on this program, in terms of reducing repeat litigation and giving parents better information.

The link to the national website is here

We hope that your clients will have a positive experience with this program. If you have any concerns or questions, please forward them to your hearing officer. Thank you.

For registration forms, dates and times the workshop will be taught, and more information about Transparenting visit